Sir Tom Normanton (1917-1997)
At Malsis from 1929-31. Went on to Manchester.G.S. Rank of Major in the 2nd World War.
MP for Cheadle from 1970-1987. Member of European Parliament 1973-1979.
At Malsis from 1929-31. Went on to Manchester.G.S. Rank of Major in the 2nd World War.
MP for Cheadle from 1970-1987. Member of European Parliament 1973-1979.
John Piper was one of the most versatile English artists of the last century, a master of mediums including painting in oil and watercolour, theatrical design, book illustration, stained glass and tapestry. Above all he is recognized for his printmaking and is widely regarded as one of the most outstanding printmakers of his generation.
Thank you for your invitation to share our memories of Malsis. The closing of the school is a very sad development indeed. I have always thought of Malsis under Mr. Clark as one of the finest Prep Schools in England, and no matter what schools and Universities I have been to since, that view has never changed.
I did hope that somehow Malsis could be re-opened as the great educational institution it always was. We still feel so proud of the Prep School we went to.
B.C. Gadney (1909-2000). Headmaster of Malsis 1938-1962. Educated at the Dragon School, Oxford and Stowe, where he shared a room with the actor David Niven.